Hospitality — being friendly and welcoming — is one of the hallmarks of a stewardship parish. One of the simplest ways that we can show others the love of God is by helping them feel wanted, valuable and welcome. At St. Patrick’s Parish, we want our members to feel like they belong to a friendly community, so that they can become engaged in the life of the Church. In keeping with this goal, our theme for this year’s Stewardship Renewal is “Welcoming Christ.”
As Scripture tells us in the Gospel of Matthew, when we help or serve others who are less fortunate than us, we are loving Christ Himself. When we take an extra moment to smile at someone, or bring them dinner during a rough time, we are telling that person that they are “good,” and that we love and appreciate them as fellow children of God.
Take a minute to reexamine yourself. Do you spend time in daily prayer? Can you make a concrete effort to help another person — be it a longtime friend or a new parishioner — feel wanted and appreciated? Will you give of your finances, one of your most valuable commodities, so that God can bless you and others?
We, as a community of faith, must remember that we cannot give what we do not have. In order for us to welcome others into the life of the Church, we first need to make sure that our spiritual lives are properly in order. To become a more prayerful person, take inventory of how you spend the 168 hours in the week. Are you taking time to talk to God in prayer, to speak with Him as you would a friend? Are you seeking His truth through reading the Scriptures? Will you make Him first on your priority list so that you are able to give to others from the graces He has given you?
COMMUNITY PRAYER The Mass is the highest prayer of the Church, and should also be the high point of our week. Consider making it your top priority to never miss a Sunday liturgy.
PERSONAL PRAYER A daily heart-to-heart conversation with Christ is the key to personal spiritual growth. Be intentional about setting aside time each day for prayerful reflection. In addition, resources for prayer can be found at readings or on Catholic phone and tablet apps, such as iBreviary, Magnificat or Divine Office.
FAMILY PRAYER “The family that prays together stays together.” Choose times each day to pray with your spouse and children: bedtime prayers, a Scripture verse at mealtimes, or a decade of the Rosary on the way to school or work.
Following the example Christ set for us, we strive to offer ourselves in service to others. Every day, we have the choice to serve or to sit back; to get involved or be self-involved. This year, is God calling you to do more for others through service? As the pages of this book attest, there are dozens of opportunities throughout the year to serve others, educate our children, reach out to the needy, and much more. Your participation is welcome. Let’s work together to build a welcoming community as we serve God and one another.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Our children learn about God and prepare for the sacraments, thanks to the hard work of our Religious Education catechists. Will you use your gifts to help our young people grow in their relationship with Christ?
PARISH LIFE Our parish has dozens of ministries and means by which you can serve others, from ushering to cooking to community outreach. What means of service inspire you the most? Where is your conscience stirring, inviting you to get involved in our parish ministries to serve God and His people?
Christian discipleship requires that we put Christ first in every aspect of our lives, including our finances. Are you grateful to God that you are employed? Do you recognize the blessings the Lord has bestowed on you financially? How will you commit to giving back to the Lord a portion of your income? As you discern the amount of your gift, remember that God calls us to give from our “first fruits,” not from our leftovers. Ask for the grace to put God first in your finances.
At St. Patrick’s Parish, we give to God according to the scriptural “tithe”, which literally means 10% of one’s harvest or income. Each family is encouraged to break up the tithe as follows:
5% to God through the parish offertory
1% to the diocese
4% to other charitable causes
If you’re unable to give the full biblical tithe right now, assess what percentage you can give, and then move up by 1% or 2% increments each year until you can reach the full 10%.
CHALLENGE YOURSELF If you know you should increase your level of giving, but find it difficult to do so, challenge yourself: “How much do I spend every month on entertainment and eating out? Does my spending reflect the priority of God in my life?”
SET UP ONLINE GIVING Consider signing up for electronic giving by visiting our parish website, This is a quick and easy way to make sure that you stay on top of your planned giving